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Average Price of Most Bail Bonds in Orlando

Average Price of Most Bail Bonds in Orlando

Bail bond, also known as "surety bond" in legal vocabulary and layman's term, is a form of property pledged or deposited to a court to persuade it to release a suspect from jail, on the understanding or agreement that the suspect will return for trial or the bail will be forfeited and possibly be brought up on charges of the crime if failed to appear in court. In some cases bail bond can be returned at the end of the trial and that is if all court appearances are made, even if t...

3 Myths about Bail Bonds in Orlando

3 Myths about Bail Bonds in Orlando

It is easy to get confused about your responsibilities as indemnitor, the title given to the person who signs a bail bond. For one thing, you are most certainly struggling with the news you have just received that someone you love has been arrested and locked up. Now, you have the added stress of being responsible for hiring a bail bondsman to post bail. Before freaking out and putting yourself in an even worse position, here are some common misconceptions that people have about bail bonds. T...

Breathalyzer Test: Your Rights and How it Holds Up in Court

Breathalyzer Test: Your Rights and How it Holds Up in Court

Some drivers are perpetual drunks, and they already have a bucketful of excuses they would give the police if they get pulled over for drunk driving. People like this might tell you that you get into an argument with the police over their reason for pulling you over or distract them from your intoxicated state or put a penny into your mouth so that the breathalyzer wouldn’t work or even go as far as refusing the breathalyzer outrightly. These tricks, even though they are wrong, might wo...

Understanding what an Appeal Bond is?

Understanding what an Appeal Bond is?

Did you lose a case recently in court and you feel it was not handled properly? If you have been asked by the court to pay the side that won the case a fine, you can still hold on with that payment. You can post an appeal bond to appeal the case. To post an appeal bond, you will need to contact a professional that specializes in bail bonds in Orlando to help with this. At Mike Snapp Bail Bonds, we do not only specialize in posting bail bonds; if you need help with appeal bonds, we can also do...

How to Minimize Risk as a Bail Bond Cosigner

How to Minimize Risk as a Bail Bond Cosigner

Did you recently cosign a bail bond in Orlando for your relative or a close friend or are you considering cosigning in the future? It is quite a selfless and noble act on your part, and it shows that you care about the person you are cosigning for, but you have to know that it comes with its risks. You have to be familiar with the process so that the risk is minimized for both you and your friend or relative. We will be looking at three practical steps that you can follow to be a bail bond co...

Why You Need To Hire An Attorney When Charged With A Crime

Why You Need To Hire An Attorney When Charged With A Crime

One of the main concerns you might have on being charged with a crime is whether to consult an attorney to represent you or not. If you are struggling with this decision, we advise you to consider the consequences of a criminal conviction. Some of them are Jail time A huge fine Loss of some rights like a driver’s license and firearm Having a soiled public record which might be accessible to landlords, prospective employers, and all back...

Discussing The Pros And Cons Of Plea Bargain

Discussing The Pros And Cons Of Plea Bargain

Taking any case to court is often a long, unpleasant and tiring process. Thus, both parties involved in a criminal case at times, do prefer to avoid the whole court system. With a plea bargain, however, both parties might not get what they want. However, it is a viable option for quite a lot of people. We will discuss the basis of a plea bargain and the benefits to both parties. We will discuss the pros and cons and the motivations for accepting a plea bargain to all parties involve...

Bail Bonds Payment Plans

Bail Bonds Payment Plans

Yearly, more than 10 million arrests are made in the United States and to be honest, getting arrested is not a fun experience. It can be terrifying. Once you get arrested, the first thing that comes to your mind is to find your way out. But getting freed from jail can be an arduous task and even sometimes almost impossible. Of course, bail bondsmen in Orlando can help you get out of jail, but we all know that bail bonds can be costly especially if you do not make a lot of money. To solve the ...

5 Things you probably didn't know About Legal Checkpoints

5 Things you probably didn't know About Legal Checkpoints

Nobody enjoys being pulled over at DUI checkpoints, but whether we want to admit it or not, DUI checkpoints exist to keep everyone safe. If you ever get stopped at one, and you end up getting arrested, you may need to get bail bonds, but we need to understand what these checkpoints are about and what you should do if you get stopped. What is the definition of a DUI Checkpoint? Driving under Influence (DUI) checkpoint is also known as a sobriety checkpoint. It is a blocka...

Understanding the difference between the Bail Bond Amount and the Premium

Understanding the difference between the Bail Bond Amount and the Premium

Is your loved one in jail or arrested for some charges? Well, the only thing on your mind is how you will get them out of jail. With bail bonds in Orlando, you can get your loved one out of jail so they can get back to their life while waiting for their trial date. While you are at this, you have heard the terms, bail bond amount and bail bond premium, and you have no idea what the difference between them is. If you choose Mike Snapp Bail Bonds to help you with your bail bonds in Orlando, you...

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